Welcome to the world of Wexford Paranormal
Wexford Paranormal is a voluntary paranormal investigation team that was founded in late 2010 to facilitate research into the paranormal, ghosts and possible hauntings as well as being available to provide free of charge help and assistance where unexplained events and suspected ghosts or hauntings are causing fear, upset or discomfort to anyone.
We are based in Co. Wexford, in the South-East corner of Ireland and we work throughout Ireland and the UK. In doing so it is our hope to advance wider understanding in this area as well as to further develop public awareness of, and engagement with the spirit world and those who have crossed over.
Our website contains a lot of information about our team and what we do. Please feel free to browse and don’t hesitate to contact us if you need further information or assistance. We are always available.

To provide assistance to anyone we believe to be experiencing paranormal activity
To carry out what we do independently, rationally and with respect to all concerned
To further the field of paranormal research and gain a greater understanding
We provide our services strictly on a voluntary basis and we never charge or take donations for providing our services. We guarantee complete discretion and confidentiality at all times, we do not reveal the identity of anybody who avails of our services and we never judge.
How We Can Help
Regardless of whether it’s just to explain or to actually get involved, we’re always here. Click here to find out more.
What We Do
How we can help you will depend very much on what your requirements are. We have more information here.
How We Do It
We work very much on a scientific basis and we like to record, review and analyze. You can find out more here.
For as long as man has told stories, ghosts have existed. So, what exactly is a ghost?
Could it be that ghosts exist because of the stories or do the stories exist because the ghosts do?
We firmly believe that it is only through a growth in understanding that which many of us have until now chosen to fear,
that the experience of that fear can be removed.